On 14 June, during the Tunisian School of Politics held in Hammamet, experts from the Parliamentary Forum for Democracy (PFD) shared theoretical and practical knowledge of transitional justice, and introduced to the concepts of the civil society and democratic political system. The participants of the training included representatives of Tunisian political parties and non-governmental organizations.
International PDF delegation consisted of current and former parliamentarians from European Union countries (Lithuania, Netherlands and Hungary) – PDF Secretary General and a former member of the Hungarian Parliament Matyas Eorsi, a former member of the Netherlands Senate and the Board Member of the Justice Sector Development Institute Hanneke Gelderblom-Lankhout, and members of the Lithuanian Parliament Agne Bilotaite and Domas Petrulis.
Participation of the parliamentarians from European Union countries in the Tunisian School of Politics contributes to fulfilling objectives of the Lithuanian Development Cooperation policy – spreading and fostering democratic values in the MENA region, strengthening democratic governance and a civil society.
The project is funded by the funds of the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.