

Gender Equality from the Baltics to Central Asia: International website Women in Democracy
Sector of assistance
Gender Equality and women empowerment, Multilateral projects
Project countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Allocated funds
6 652,51 EUR
Project goal

Continue the activities of the innovative international website "Women in Democracy".

Project results
  • Ensured continuous support and technical maintenance of the international website www.womenindemocracy.org, which presents and promotes gender equality in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia.
  • Performed daily news monitoring and selection for the website sections "News," "Opinion," and "Facebook"; periodically updated the sections "Politics," "Governance and Economy," "Violence against Women," and "International Organizations" with relevant information, and uploaded visual materials.
  • Prepared and posted four original interviews with women leaders from the region (posted in the section "Interviews with Leaders").
  • Written six informational and analytical articles.
  • Strengthened Lithuania's role as a coordinator of gender equality in the region (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Central Asia).
  • Through its activities, the website discredits anti-democratic propaganda and disinformation in the region.
Implementing organization
Vilnius University Gender Studies Centre
Financing source
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania/Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme
Gender Equality from the Baltic to Central Asia: International Website "Women in Democracy"
Sector of assistance
Democracy and Civil Society, Gender Equality and women empowerment, Multilateral projects
Project countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Vietnam
Allocated funds
12 173,7 EUR (41 999,35 LT)
Project goal

To present and promote gender equality in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia through the international website www.womenindemocracy.org.

Project results
  • Ensured continuous content maintenance and technical support of the website, with updated sections. A new section, "Interviews with Women Leaders," and additional topical sections (Politics; Governance and Economy; Violence against Women; International Organizations) were created.
  • Daily news monitoring and selection were performed. News was posted in the website's sections "News," "Opinion," and "Facebook," along with visual materials.
  • Prepared and posted 12 original interviews with women leaders from the region on the website.
  • Wrote 12 informational and analytical texts.
  • Strengthened Lithuania's role as a coordinator of gender equality in the region (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Central Asia).
  • The information and news provided on the website regarding gender equality issues are regularly read by 526 individuals from all world regions.
Implementing organization
Gender Studies Centre of Vilnius University
Financing source
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania/Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme
Gender Equality from the Baltic Sea to Central Asia: International Website "Women in Democracy"
Sector of assistance
Gender Equality and women empowerment, Multilateral projects
Project countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Allocated funds
10 401.4 EUR (35 914 LT)
Project goal

To continue supporting and developing the international website www.womenindemocracy.org, which promotes and presents gender equality in the Community of Democracies and other countries (especially in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia) since 2012.

Project results
  • Daily monitoring of news and information databases regarding women's status and gender equality issues was conducted.
  • Contacts were established with target NGOs from 15 countries in the region, and an analysis of national government documents, legal materials, and ongoing gender equality initiatives was performed.
  • Materials were prepared and published on the website to familiarize the Lithuanian public with gender equality implementation initiatives in the region.
  • A multi-day online forum on relevant equal opportunities issues was organized. The main result was an effectively functioning website.
Implementing organization
Gender Studies Centre of Vilnius University
Financing source
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania/Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme
Forum of Democracies: Online Gender Equality Website
Sector of assistance
Multilateral projects, Public Awareness
Project countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Allocated funds
Project goal

To create a forum addressing current issues related to women's rights (featuring useful documents and examples of best practices), fostering thematic discussions, and supporting the implementation of gender equality in the region and other Community of Democracies countries.

Project results
  • An online website http://www.womenindemocracy.org/ was created to meet the project's objectives.
  • The content is continuously updated.
  • Ongoing collaboration with NGOs in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asian countries.
Implementing organization
Center for Equality Advancement
Financing source
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania/Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme
Administrative Capacity Building in the Area of Standardization in Order to Implement the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan)
Sector of assistance
Good governance
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Lithuanian Standards Board under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Analysis of Azerbaijani health care facilities needs
Sector of assistance
Good governance, Health care
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Public entity "MSAT office”
Human Rights and European Integration School
Sector of assistance
Good governance
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Center for Public Policy Strategies in Lithuania and the Analytical Centre for Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC, Armenia)
The capacity building of Armenian Child Rights Center of the Public Defender Office (PDO) to be fully operational institution to deal with the protection of the children’s rights effectively
Sector of assistance
Good governance, Social Protection
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Children’s right ombudsmen institution
The identification of the main trends of improvement of the medical support for mother and child in Turkmenistan
Sector of assistance
Health care
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Dr. Arunas Liubšys, head of the newborn intensive care department of Vilnius University Children's Hospital
The role of the media in the election campaign: training for the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian journalists
Sector of assistance
Good governance, Media
Project countries
Allocated funds
Implementing organization
Communication school Ltd.
Development Cooperation with Turkmenistan

The strategic objectives of Lithuania's development cooperation policy have been determined based on the needs of Turkmenistan, the Programme of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, and the priorities of the EU’s Policy.

Aid for Turkmenistan

In 2008, one project in the area of health projection was implemented in Turkmenistan with the funds of the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme, for which 8,4 thousand euros were allocated.

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