To strengthen resistance to disinformation and strategic communication capabilities, consolidating the dissemination of independent information in the EU's Eastern Partnership countries.
Provide support to Armenia in implementing law enforcement and security sector reforms according to the priorities set out in the EU-Armenia CEPA and EU best practices. The project will aim to ensure that the newly established Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia operates transparently and efficiently, implements the necessary police management reform for the country, modernizes state border and migration flow management. The goal is to enhance public trust in the ministry's policies.
To train Ukrainian, Georgian and Armenian media and wider public to choose reliable sources and create correct narratives, recognize and prevent disinformation.
To build the resilience of Armenian society against disinformation and hybrid threats and to strengthen national security, democratic processes and societal cohesion. Workshops in Yerevan, Gyumri and Kapan will strengthen communication skills, introduce responsible and accurate communication, and build awareness of inclusive governance and its implications for national security for NGOs and state institutions.
Encourage active engagement of youth in the labor markets and social economy of Eastern Partnership countries, contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth, social cohesion, and reducing societal inequality.
To continue assistance aimed at regulating the issues of the transport sector in Armenia in accordance with best Lithuanian practice, providing recommendations on the proper implementation of the objectives of the EU-Armenia CEPA and CAAA agreements, related to ensuring the safety of road, railway and air transport.
To develop Armenian society's resilience to disinformation, to strengthen the literacy of civil society and journalists in fact-checking, and to organise capacity building trainings in the cities of Vanadzor and Gori.
To strengthen resistance to disinformation and strategic communication capabilities, consolidating the dissemination of independent information in the EU's Eastern Partnership countries.
Provide support to Armenia in implementing law enforcement and security sector reforms according to the priorities set out in the EU-Armenia CEPA and EU best practices. The project will aim to ensure that the newly established Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia operates transparently and efficiently, implements the necessary police management reform for the country, modernizes state border and migration flow management. The goal is to enhance public trust in the ministry's policies.
To improve waste management and recycling practices, to increase public awareness of waste recycling and environmental protection in the Gori community, especially among young people.
To enhance public resilience and capabilities in addressing issues caused by hybrid attack actions.
State officials and experts were acquainted with the principles of strategic communication, bolstering media literacy and digital literacy competencies.
To inform the public and government institutions about the issues faced by rural settlements bordering Azerbaijan, which intensified after the 2020 war. The project is part of the EU initiative “Team Europe - Resilient Syunik.”
The project contributed to disseminating information in the region and in the international media about the daily challenges and security issues faced by people living in Armenian-Azerbaijani border villages.
To train Ukrainian, Georgian and Armenian media and wider public to choose reliable sources and create correct narratives, recognize and prevent disinformation.
To establish a public green space, by planting and setting up the "Birch Alley of Armenian-Lithuanian Friendship" within the Yerevan Botanical Garden.
In the Yerevan Botanical Garden, 70 trees have been planted, an irrigation system has been installed, and benches have been assembled for visitors.
To provide the residents of the Tegh community with the opportunity to increase land resource productivity by supplying irrigation water. The project is part of the EU initiative “Team Europe - Resilient Syunik.”
- Installed pipeline (irrigation system) that will supply water to 1250 residents of the Tegh community over a 337-hectare land area.
- Contributed to the sustainable social and economic development of the Syunik region, considering local development priorities and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the region.
Encourage active engagement of youth in the labor markets and social economy of Eastern Partnership countries, contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth, social cohesion, and reducing societal inequality.
To continue assistance aimed at regulating the issues of the transport sector in Armenia in accordance with best Lithuanian practice, providing recommendations on the proper implementation of the objectives of the EU-Armenia CEPA and CAAA agreements, related to ensuring the safety of road, railway and air transport.
To strengthen resistance to disinformation and strategic communication capabilities, consolidating the dissemination of independent information in the EU's Eastern Partnership countries.
Provide support to Armenia in implementing law enforcement and security sector reforms according to the priorities set out in the EU-Armenia CEPA and EU best practices. The project will aim to ensure that the newly established Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia operates transparently and efficiently, implements the necessary police management reform for the country, modernizes state border and migration flow management. The goal is to enhance public trust in the ministry's policies.
To provide support for the development of a sustainable glass and plastic waste management system in Armenia.
- Lithuanian experts shared best practices relative to the beverage container deposit system and prepared an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the similar system in Armenia;
- An evaluation of the Armenian deposit return system administrator decision making process and/or policy performance was carried out;
- Proposal for the administrative and/or business model of the Deposit Regulatory System (DRS) of Armenia has been presented;
- Detailed proposals have been prepared to develop Armenia's legal regulatory mechanism based on the Lithuanian experience;
- Training programme was developed and implemented to improve the communication skills of the staff of organisations working with the deposit system (12 participants)
To support the economic and social development of Armenian regional and rural areas, focusing on women empowerment.
- A 2-month beekeeping training course was organised for small-scale beekeepers in the Lori region of Armenia (14 beekeepers from the region participated, 7 of them women).
- Equipment for a beekeeping centre was purchased: 34 hives for local beekeepers, 8 hives for the planned beekeeping centre.
Strengthening digital literacy by identifying disinformation.
- 5 virtual training sessions on how to combat disinformation in real time, identify and prevent its spread and warn others (115 participants) were organised.
- A series of articles were produced by multimedia journalists from the DCN Global community in Armenia which were published and disseminated through DCN Global channels and newsletters (the articles were also provided as educational material for the training participants).
Disseminating impartial information on EU-Armenia relations and ongoing democratic reforms, Fight against disinformation.
- 3 information seminars on "EU-Armenia cooperation under the CEPA agreement and ongoing democratic reforms" have been organised. The seminars were organised in Vanadzor, Armavir and Gyumri. The target groups were: local university students, representatives of NGOs, young civil activists and local journalists - more than 90 people. The workshops in the cities helped to create local networks of like-minded people.
- Two policy documents (articles) have been prepared and published on Armenia-EU relations, the Eastern Partnership and ongoing reforms.
To train Ukrainian, Georgian and Armenian media and wider public to choose reliable sources and create correct narratives, recognize and prevent disinformation.
Encourage active engagement of youth in the labor markets and social economy of Eastern Partnership countries, contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth, social cohesion, and reducing societal inequality.
Fight against disinformation.
- The Armenian media organisation Factor Information Centre produced 6 programmes and 3 podcasts with the participation of media literacy specialists, editors, journalists, NGO representatives, education experts, historians and psychologists.
- The programmes and podcasts were broadcast on the online platform "Media guide". All programmes can be found on the Factor website, YouTube, Facebook and Telegram channels.
To contribute to the development of a safe transport system in Armenia through the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on land and air safety.
- Analysis of Armenian civil aviation legal documents and working situations prepared, 11 Armenian civil aviation specialists trained, and recommendations on civil aviation submitted.
- 3 meetings in Armenia on the analysis of legal documents and working situations in the field of road transport safety organised, 5 Armenian road transport specialists trained, recommendations in the field of road transport safety submitted.
- A final project event was organised (remotely) with all project participants to discuss the biennial activities and present final recommendations.
To continue assistance aimed at regulating the issues of the transport sector in Armenia in accordance with best Lithuanian practice, providing recommendations on the proper implementation of the objectives of the EU-Armenia CEPA and CAAA agreements, related to ensuring the safety of road, railway and air transport.
To strengthen resistance to disinformation and strategic communication capabilities, consolidating the dissemination of independent information in the EU's Eastern Partnership countries.
To provide support for the development of a sustainable glass and plastic waste management system in Armenia.
- Lithuanian experts shared best practices relative to the beverage container deposit system and prepared an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the similar system in Armenia;
- An evaluation of the Armenian deposit return system administrator decision making process and/or policy performance was carried out;
- Proposal for the administrative and/or business model of the Deposit Regulatory System (DRS) of Armenia has been presented;
- Detailed proposals have been prepared to develop Armenia's legal regulatory mechanism based on the Lithuanian experience;
- Training programme was developed and implemented to improve the communication skills of the staff of organisations working with the deposit system (12 participants)
To provide support to Armenian non-governmental organizations and public institutions in implementing environmental initiatives.
- Modern waste sorting bins have been designed and installed in the botanical gardens of Yerevan (8), Vanadzor (1) and Sevan (1).
- Litter picking and environmental clean-up campaigns and 2 educational games on litter sorting were organised in all the gardens (with the participation of schoolchildren, representatives of youth organisations, participants of volunteer programmes, environmental activists). The games are included in the visitor programmes of the botanical gardens.
To provide support to Armenian non-governmental organizations and public institutions in implementing environmental initiatives.
- A fully operational mini-recycling centre with paper recycling equipment has been set up at the Sarukhan Community School (Gegharkunik region).
- Schoolchildren were trained to make new paper products from waste paper, which were presented at various fairs and events.
- A visit of Armenian environmental experts to Lithuania was organised in cooperation with the NGO ECAT ( After the visit to Lithuania, ISSD staff in Armenia organised meetings with local organisations and environmental activist groups, organised a "Green September" campaign based on the zero waste idea promoted by the project, and provided a month of virtual and live events for environmental activists.
The aim of the project is to increase the public discourse in the key areas targeted by CEPA through media campaign. The specific objective of the project is to promote the multipolar discussion on five key areas of partnership embedded in CEPA in Armenia through development of 4 thematic discussions. The thematic area includes, but is not limited with:
- Strengthened democracy and human rights: credible and transparent elections, fair trial, respect of human rights.
- More safety and security for citizens: improved nuclear safety.
- More safety and security for citizens: consumer protection.
- COVID-19: disinformation on vaccination and other issues.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- Social network TV programmes on four themes prepared.
- Strengthening democracy and protecting human rights - credible and transparent elections, respect for human rights.
- More security for citizens - improved nuclear safety.
- More security for citizens - consumer protection.
- COVID-19 - disinformation on vaccination and other related issues
The aim of the project is development of a sustainable glass and plastic waste management system.
- A model for implementing a tare deposit system has been developed and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia has received specific methodological proposals.
The overall goal of the Project is to empower the women from displaced families from NK and from the Debet community alike through capacity building training and development of their employability skills.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- 24 women were trained in hair and nail care and provided with equipment.
- 8 selected women received business start-up training.
- The 2 winners of the project will manage a future beauty salon in the village of Debet (the installation of the beauty salon was financed by COAF funds).
Encourage active engagement of youth in the labor markets and social economy of Eastern Partnership countries, contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth, social cohesion, and reducing societal inequality.
The project aims to promote democratic processes by strengthening critical thinking and media literacy, including the education of ordinary people in this field. This is a co-financing project with Germany.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- A chapter on "Combating Disinformation" in a virtual media literacy course has been developed to equip people with the skills and tools they need to identify liars.
- A campaign was launched to explain widely the misleading and false narratives found in the media and social communication.
The aim of the project is to promote the capacity development of CSOs in 10 regions of Armenia in the process of combatting disinformation and fact checking.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- 20 representatives of civil society organisations from 10 regions of Armenia trained during the three-day training.
- Participants gained knowledge on countering disinformation and fact-checking skills.
To contribute to the development of a safe transport system in Armenia through the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on land and air safety.
- Analysis of Armenian civil aviation legal documents and working situations prepared, 11 Armenian civil aviation specialists trained, and recommendations on civil aviation submitted.
- 3 meetings in Armenia on the analysis of legal documents and working situations in the field of road transport safety organised, 5 Armenian road transport specialists trained, recommendations in the field of road transport safety submitted.
- A final project event was organised (remotely) with all project participants to discuss the biennial activities and present final recommendations.
The aim of the project is empowering rural women in Gegharkunik region providing them soft and hard skills. Target groups are displaced women from Nagorno Karabakh and domestic violence victims who live in rural areas in Martuni region, Gegharkunik province.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- 20 women were trained in four different modules: business planning and initiation, English language, computer skills and sewing.
The main goal of the project is to inspire Armenian local communities to take action for a clean and healthy environment through promoting responsible behavior in Armenia.
Diplomatic Mission Project
- Litter picking and tree planting campaigns were organised in 7 communities, with a total of 300 bags of rubbish collected.
- 2200 seedlings were planted and 800 were left for replanting if needed. Nearly 500 people participated in the actions, a large number of them were schoolchildren, thus the project's educational objective was effectively achieved.
To enhance the skills of civil society organizations in the target region to engage in international litigation and advocacy as part of a wider strategy to tackle systemic issues affecting women in their countries (e.g. sexual and gender based violence) through practical and tailored legal mentoring, legal clinics and training.
- Two cases are identified and agreed with partners;
- Advice provided on two legal cases;
- Legal strategy developed in NG case against Georgia;
- A roundtable on self-defence in domestic violence cases was held to identify strategic litigation issues and the need for expert assistance for partner lawyers;
- New information on cases related to violence against women was collected.
Diplomatic Mission project
- 20 women from rural areas of Dilijan trained in the courses of basics for business, Google tools, foreign languages.
- Gained skills in handicrafts (ceramics, jewelry, sewing).
- Participated in networking activities in Giumri educational center for adults.
Diplomatic Mission project
- 16 children from the most vulnerable families were provided tablet mobile devices in order to have access to and facilitate distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic.
Diplomatic Mission project
- Four podcasts released to inform Armenian society about EU-Armenia Partnership Agreement CEPA and progress of reforms implementation. Topics of podcasts: police reform, CEPA implementation, urban development, media reform.
- A live stream discussion on disinformation during COVID-19 pandemics organized.
Diplomatic Mission project
- 64 teachers trained in environment educational program to assure educational teaching for students in Alaverdi.
- 550 publications (leaflets, posters, booklets) about recycling and its importance published and distributed in Alaverdi communities.
Diplomatic Mission project
- 150 plastic and paper recycling bins were placed in every school of Armavir and 5 surrounding villages (14 schools in total).
- Waste pick-up arranged.
- Students and communities of participating schools got training on the importance of recycling.
Provide recommendations to Armenia‘ transport institutions on proper implementation of the tasks identified in the CEPA Agreement between the EU and Armenia related to safety, efficiency and interoperability of road and railway transport system.
Diplomatic Mission project
- Unique Lithuanian experience of fighting disinformation shared with representatives’ of Armenian civil society.
- Models of Freedom TV, White Gloves and presented to journalists and journalism students within Mixed Media Factory program in Yerevan (Mixed Media Factory is funded from US State Department program).
The aim of the project is to encourage economic activity of the region of Sisian; to increase the employment rate of the rural population.
Embassy project
- Bee farmers in the Sisian region have acquired knowledge and skills in marketing, packaging and branding.
- The equipment for honey storage, transportation and laboratory has been purchased.
- The bee farmers together with marketing expert created the Sisian region's honey brand “BusyBizzy”.
- Sales of honey under the new regional brand have been expanded to other regions of Armenia.
The aim of the project is to promote social activity and social integration of Armenian youth with disabilities and children from socially vulnerable families.
Embassy project
- A 2-week summer camp was organized (100 children, 55 youth with disabilities and 45 children from socially vulnerable families) where children were introduced to human rights issues and gained knowledge about healthy lifestyle and environmental protection.
- Children have become more self-reliant and encouraged to engage in active, healthy and civic life.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness of Armenian civil society about road safety.
Embassy project
- Traffic safety seminars have been conducted in five Armenian regions (Ararat, Shirak, Tavush, Kotayk and Gegharkunik). 400 children participated in the training and received products with reflective segments.
- About 2800 booklets promoting the use of reflective elements have been printed and distributed. A road safety campaign was organized by sharing reflectors and showing a movie about road safety.
To strengthen disaster risk management capacities through enhancing and building a comprehensive civil protection system.
Project duration: 21 months + 3 months
More information about the project in Delegation of EU to Armenia press release.
Embassy project
Embassy project
Embassy project
Embassy project
Embassy project
To expand development cooperation by encouraging the interest and capabilities of Lithuanian institutions, non-governmental organizations, and businesses to participate in international development cooperation programs. To ensure the dissemination of best practices from Lithuania's participation in international development cooperation programs.
- The dissemination of best practices increased the motivation and active participation of representatives from the public, non-governmental, and private sectors in projects funded by the EU and international organizations.
- Strengthened the participation of Lithuanian representatives in development cooperation projects by providing support at the highest level.
- Successful projects implemented by Lithuanian institutions and companies were presented to representatives of partner country institutions and donors, sharing best practices and expanding various forms of international cooperation between Lithuania and other countries.
- Increased dissemination of information about Lithuania's capabilities in providing development cooperation assistance in partner countries enhanced Lithuania's reputation as a reliable donor in recipient countries, within the EU, and internationally. The attractiveness of proposals submitted by Lithuanian representatives for development cooperation projects is expected to increase.
- The implementation plan for recommendations on more favorable legal regulation laid the groundwork for removing obstacles to more active participation in development cooperation programs in the future.
Continue the activities of the innovative international website "Women in Democracy".
- Ensured continuous support and technical maintenance of the international website, which presents and promotes gender equality in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia.
- Performed daily news monitoring and selection for the website sections "News," "Opinion," and "Facebook"; periodically updated the sections "Politics," "Governance and Economy," "Violence against Women," and "International Organizations" with relevant information, and uploaded visual materials.
- Prepared and posted four original interviews with women leaders from the region (posted in the section "Interviews with Leaders").
- Written six informational and analytical articles.
- Strengthened Lithuania's role as a coordinator of gender equality in the region (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Central Asia).
- Through its activities, the website discredits anti-democratic propaganda and disinformation in the region.
To present and promote gender equality in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia through the international website
- Ensured continuous content maintenance and technical support of the website, with updated sections. A new section, "Interviews with Women Leaders," and additional topical sections (Politics; Governance and Economy; Violence against Women; International Organizations) were created.
- Daily news monitoring and selection were performed. News was posted in the website's sections "News," "Opinion," and "Facebook," along with visual materials.
- Prepared and posted 12 original interviews with women leaders from the region on the website.
- Wrote 12 informational and analytical texts.
- Strengthened Lithuania's role as a coordinator of gender equality in the region (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Central Asia).
- The information and news provided on the website regarding gender equality issues are regularly read by 526 individuals from all world regions.
To conduct a comparative analysis of nuclear security measures between Lithuania and Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine, and to identify best practices.
- Senior officials from 5 Armenian, 6 Moldovan, and 6 Ukrainian institutions responsible for nuclear security were introduced to Lithuania’s nuclear security policy.
- Representatives from Lithuanian institutions learned about the experiences of their Armenian, Moldovan, and Ukrainian counterparts.
- Differences and similarities in the countries' systems and experiences were identified, and their impact on institutional effectiveness was discussed.
To motivate and prepare young leaders from Eastern Partnership countries for professional political careers and to strengthen the existing network of young leaders.
- 62 young leaders from Eastern Partnership countries acquired the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for a successful political career; 15 organizations joined the young leaders' network.
To continue supporting and developing the international website, which promotes and presents gender equality in the Community of Democracies and other countries (especially in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia) since 2012.
- Daily monitoring of news and information databases regarding women's status and gender equality issues was conducted.
- Contacts were established with target NGOs from 15 countries in the region, and an analysis of national government documents, legal materials, and ongoing gender equality initiatives was performed.
- Materials were prepared and published on the website to familiarize the Lithuanian public with gender equality implementation initiatives in the region.
- A multi-day online forum on relevant equal opportunities issues was organized. The main result was an effectively functioning website.
To continue activities related to youth initiated during Lithuania's chairmanship of the Community of Democracies (CoD) in 2010-11 and to strengthen the CoD dimension.
- The second international leaders academy "Democratic Development in the European Eastern Partnership Countries: Challenges and Opportunities" was organized in Vilnius. Approximately 50 participants, including political scientists, youth, NGO representatives, and human rights defenders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, USA, Lithuania, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Hungary, and Germany, discussed with Lithuanian politicians the various democratic transformations, achievements, and challenges in the Eastern European region.
To strengthen civil society in Eastern Partnership countries in the context of Lithuania's presidency of the EU Council.
- From November 27-29, 2013, a conference for the civil society of Eastern Partnership countries was organized in Vilnius. The conference served as a platform for in-depth discussion on how to more effectively support the development of civil society in Eastern Partnership countries and to enhance its capacity to participate in the decision-making process. The dialogue between experts and civil society representatives from Eastern Partnership and EU member states proved to be particularly successful.
- Target groups of the conference included participants of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, representatives of local and international NGOs, political foundations, organizations, think tanks working in Eastern Partnership countries, representatives of the European Commission, and the largest international development cooperation agencies working in the region.
- The conference was attended by 378 participants and 211 media representatives. Approximately 7000 viewers from various countries watched the live broadcast.
To create a forum addressing current issues related to women's rights (featuring useful documents and examples of best practices), fostering thematic discussions, and supporting the implementation of gender equality in the region and other Community of Democracies countries.
- An online website was created to meet the project's objectives.
- The content is continuously updated.
- Ongoing collaboration with NGOs in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asian countries.
To create a unique network of diaspora representatives from Central and Eastern European countries in Western Europe and to develop active, competent, and efficiently operating diaspora leaders from Central and Eastern European countries.
- Seventeen representatives originating from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, and Ukraine, currently living abroad, participated in the international conference "Democracy and Diaspora," during which experiences were exchanged, and the deep traditions of the Lithuanian diaspora and its experience in cooperation with the homeland were emphasized.
Market surveillance and consumer protection infrastructure strengthened in terms of legislation, human resources and general awareness to meet challenges of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.
Project duration: 24 months.
More information about the project in press article (in Lithuanian).
To support the State Revenue Committee (SRC) to strengthen the Armenian customs by developing modern customs control procedures and enforcement according to the best practices of EU Member States.
Project duration: 24 months.
More information about the project in Delegation of EU to Armenia press release.
To contribute to the promotion of the competitiveness of the Armenian economy and to the development of a fully functioning market economy in Armenia, to the advantage of consumers and society as a whole. The development of competitive markets, free from competition-distorting state aid and from anti-competitive business practices, will contribute to the delivery of goods and services at affordable prices and of high quality.
Project duration: 26 months.
More information about the project in Competition Council press release (in Lithuanian).
To inform officials from Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia about the facilitation of international trade.
- A regional seminar was held in Vilnius, attended by representatives from 22 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
To involve the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) and Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania) in joint international cultural cooperation, encouraging Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia to implement joint cultural projects and develop mutual and interregional cooperation.
- Illustrated children's fairy tale books from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and South Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan) were published in 6 languages.
- 1000 copies of each book were printed and distributed not only in all six participating countries but also sent to language institutes, libraries, and cultural centers in other countries.